duration: 40min concept: Masako Matsushita in collaboration with Matteo Maffesanti choreography and dance: Masako Matsushita video contribution: Matteo Maffesanti creative technologist: Andrea Zaninello artificial intelligence expert at the department of information engineering (DII) of the polytechnic university of marche: Prof. Associato Adriano Mancini costumes: Eticò Sartoria Marchigiana textile: Cristina Camponi - Camponi Atelier dramaturgy consultant: Paolo Paggi
production: OperaEstate e Sineglossa co-production: Nanou Associazione Culturale idea and project developer: Sineglossa database creation, didactic video production, training interventions in schools: Italia Che Cambia creative producer: Stefania Mangano artistic residency: CSC Basano del Grappa, Creative Ground Sineglossa e Teatro alla Maddalena Hangartfest
SCARTO is the title of an interactive and evocative performative action capable of encouraging changes and behaviours.
SCARTO is part of a project called Green Learning that develops around three elements: body, environment and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Green Learning is the name of a challenge with the aim of reflecting on the theme of environmental education.
SCARTO is the keyword and starting point of the research of the multidisciplinary artist Masako Matsushita in collaboration with the visual artist Matteo Maffesanti.